How can face masks improve your skin?

How can face masks improve your skin?
The rising popularity of face masks is incredible – Not only do Face mask can offer the skin highly concentrated ingredients to treat specific skin concerns, but they could be an alternative at-home treatment for your skin during the urban busy lifestyle. There’re more and more dermatologists starting to recommend face masks to their patients. Continue reading >

Protect With Sunscreen

Protect With Sunscreen
The most essential skincare product is not your night cream but the sunscreen, which agreed by most of the dermatologists. Sunscreen is of utmost importance as part of your year-round skin care regimen. Apply sunscreen everyday can help to prevent the dehydration and the formation of lines and wrinkles, and prevent pigmentation and ageing from sun damage over time. More importantly, it can help to prevent some skin cancers which is related to over sun exposure. For better protection, the skin experts recommend using at least SPF 30 sunscreen or daytime moisturiser with broad spectrum SPF 30+.  Continue reading >
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